


League: Premier
Team: Arsenal
Days in game: 3021
last login 86 days ago
on the team account: 674 612 131 655 $

Experience of team: 1454.72/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 601 356 000 $
Stadium: Emirates Stadium 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Robert Elliot 65.535 915 34 594 900 1173
full-backs D
3 Vitaliy Mandzyuk 65.535 1205 30 987 500 1173
2 Grigori Morozov 65.535 916 35 741 400 1173
4 Barna Burucz 65.535 915 35 771 700 1173
half-backs MD
5 Nwankwo Obiora 65.535 1777 32 002 700 1173
6 Marcio Azevedo 65.535 1693 35 738 700 1173
7 Mattia Vitale 65.535 1893 34 297 800 1171
forwards FC
10 James Jeggo 65.535 2350 29 791 600 1173
11 Alan Kardec 65.535 2199 28 547 300 1173
8 Emmanuel Emenike 65.535 2355 34 995 200 1173
9 Brown Ideye 65.535 2308 34 672 600 1173
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
12 Stefan Drljaca     47.940 828 15 755 000 1135
full-backs D
13 Luis Gorlich   47.650 811 15 662 300 1135
15 Philipp Strompf   47.180 790 15 558 000 1135
14 Moody Chana     44.735 602 15 468 100 1135
half-backs MD
16 Enes Tubluk   55.935 1614 16 269 100 1135
27 Yoichiro Kakitani   65.535 2195 27 407 100 1198
17 Domenico Alberico     56.340 1634 16 337 600 1135
28 Takuji Yonemoto   65.535 2089 28 144 300 1198
18 Samuel Lengle     56.685 1691 16 424 500 1135
29 Hideki Ishige   5.645 0 522 500 0
forwards FC
21 Egson Gashi   58.935 1962 16 641 800 1135
22 Sandrino Reingans   56.580 1767 16 549 900 1135
19 Chinedu Ekene   62.045 2191 16 790 600 1135
20 Kennet Hanner-Lopez     63.095 2115 16 683 800 1135
total: 25 / 25 1454.72   601 356 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 212.987 156.19
center 56.796 141.991
right flank 212.987 156.19
Power of stuff: 937.145
trainer Fred Davies (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 10.1364 games: 3183
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 4.4884 games: 39348
The number of won private leagues: 1556

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   1 819  
Armenia   304  
Australia   1 907  
Austria   1 027  
Azerbaijan   1 555  
Belarus   1 959  
Belgium   1 820  
Brazil   1 888  
Bulgaria   438  
Cameroon   1 971  
Chile   1 824  
Colombia   1 957  
Croatia   896  
Cyprus   919  
Czech   493  
Denmark   1 201  
Ecuador   1 834  
Egypt   1 904  
England   1 000 000 009  
Estonia   510  
Finland   1 577  
France   692  
Georgia   1 119  
Germany   1 936  
Ghana   1 859  
Greece   1 002  
Ireland   546  
Israel   410  
Italy   1 816  
Japan   1 834  
Kazakhstan   1 198  
Latvia   1 792  
Lithuania   199  
Mexico   1 833  
Moldova   842  
Netherlands   373  
Nigeria   1 891  
Norway   1 999  
Paraguay   1 885  
Peru   1 917  
Poland   1 929  
Portugal   760  
Romania   839  
Russia   1 711  
Scotland   1 263  
Serbia   649  
Slovakia   597  
Slovenia   1 097  
South Africa   1 809  
Spain   1 043  
Sweden   1 875  
Switzerland   638  
Turkey   2 000  
USA   1 818  
Ukraine   1 839  
Uruguay   1 877  
Venezuela   445  
Wales   438  
total   20000 1 000 075 582 58