


League: Premier
Team: FK_Partizan_Beograd
Days in game: 4039
on the team account: 19 511 077 485 $

Experience of team: 1145.825/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 726 077 000 $
Stadium: Партизан 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
100 Mladen Bozovic 31.395 0 14 009 600 868
full-backs D
100 Milan Stojanoski 31.885 0 14 741 600 300
6 Svetozar Markovic   19.737 0 8 483 800 557
2 Arandjel Stojkovic 20.240 0 9 592 900 506
100 Slobodan Urosevic   20.675 0 9 499 700 749
half-backs MD
100 Stefan Babovic   22.675 78 10 076 500 740
17 M Zivkovic 28.326 117 12 295 400 1066
100 Milan Smiljanic 31.675 24 14 566 000 308
100 Goran Trobok 31.555 239 11 888 600 810
forwards FC
100 Uros Djurdjevic 31.570 527 10 125 700 491
100 Srdjan Radonjic 17.575 32 8 289 800 51
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
85 Nemanja Stevanovic   65.535 0 50 781 000 0
100 Radovan Radakovic   65.535 0 45 668 200 0
full-backs D
100 Nisa Saveljic   65.535 0 44 530 300 0
100 Nenad Djordjevic   65.535 0 48 382 500 0
100 Branimir Bajic   65.535 0 46 987 500 0
3 Predrag Spasic   65.535 0 50 849 300 0
half-backs MD
100 Nemanja Tomic   65.535 0 49 482 000 0
26 Aleksandar Filipovic   57.237 0 27 215 100 0
100 Marko Jevtovic   65.535 1 50 133 400 0
100 Ivan Tomic   65.535 2 46 965 100 0
10 Bibras Natkho   65.535 0 37 141 500 0
100 Nebojsa Kosovic   65.535 0 47 671 500 0
forwards FC
24 Stjepan Bobek   65.535 0 50 460 000 0
15 Aldo Kalulu   14.860 0 6 240 000 0
total: 25 / 25 1145.825   726 077 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 7.369 60.679
center 96.346 88.789
right flank 41.258 79.052
Power of stuff: 373.496
trainer Marko Nikolic (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.6294 games: 4700
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.9660 games: 121507
The number of won private leagues: 573

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Egypt   189  
Serbia   9 279 262  
total   186 9 279 451 1