

League: not entered
Team: RavenFc
Days in game: 4086
last login 4061 days ago
on the team account: -756 723 980 $

Experience of team: 62.655/200
Quantity of footballers: 11
Salary expenses for all footballers: 3 858 600 $
Stadium: Crazen 6 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
2 Jon Beswetherick 6.743 0 568 900 1156
5 Mickey Bell 4.576 0 356 700 678
1 Alexander Bojtsan   2.466 0 241 200 544
half-backs MD
5 Martyn Chalk 4.925 0 200 000 9
6 Simon Grayson   4.935 1 200 200 9
7 Paul Boertien   6.695 86 521 300 1127
6 Andrew Uest 4.925 0 200 000 9
8 Alex Colorado   7.817 215 507 400 976
forwards FC
11 Alehis Kirinos 0.907 15 78 200 172
18 Michael McGinlay 8.473 377 450 100 729
reserve: 1
15 Manny Williams   10.193 431 534 600 817
total: 11 / 25 62.655   3 858 600  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 16.965 9.157
center 11.416 13.638
right flank 3.207 13.538
Power of stuff: 67.923

Official matches: wins/losses 0.0357 games: 95
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.5583 games: 1114
The number of won private leagues: 13
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
England   760  
total   0 760 1