


League: not entered
Team: Temp
Days in game: 5722
last login 738 days ago
on the team account: 413 969 818 $

Experience of team: 26.155/45
Quantity of footballers: 15
Salary expenses for all footballers: 1 202 000 $
Stadium: ???? 236 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
  Etienne Poncin 1.295 0 80 400 174
full-backs D
  Procolo Caiazzo 2.835 0 80 000 17
4 Ragnar Arnason 2.835 0 80 000 17
4 Pedro Plaza 1.285 0 80 400 174
5 Peter Struk 2.835 0 80 000 17
5 Peter Nojshtadter 1.295 0 80 400 174
half-backs MD
  D Ventoso 1.290 0 80 000 174
  Driss Fettouhi 1.280 0 80 000 174
  Daniel Cakajik 1.290 0 80 000 174
forwards FC
20 Joel Bouchoucha 1.295 2 80 400 174
reserve: 5
full-backs D
5 Piotr Karwan   2.845 0 80 000 17
6 Petar Kostadinov   1.450 0 80 400 157
half-backs MD
5 Dovran Allanazarov   1.445 0 80 000 157
forwards FC
  Jogvan Nolsoe   1.440 0 80 000 157
99 Joao Ramos   1.440 0 80 000 157
total: 15 / 25 26.155   1 202 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 2.003 4.104
center 1.712 4.338
right flank 0 2.718
Power of stuff: 14.878
trainer Sergei Yuran (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.5946 games: 3613
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.4233 games: 10152
The number of won private leagues: 1

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Ukraine   1 812  
total   0 1 812 1